ThirstyAffiliates Click Tracking

 ThirstyAffiliates is a popular WordPress plugin that helps you manage and cloak affiliate links on your website. If you want to set up click tracking with ThirstyAffiliates, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install and Activate ThirstyAffiliates:

    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to "Plugins" > "Add New."
    • Search for "ThirstyAffiliates."
    • Click the "Install Now" button, and then click "Activate" once it's installed.
  2. Configure General Settings:

    • After activation, go to "ThirstyAffiliates" in your WordPress dashboard's left sidebar.
    • Click on "Settings."
    • You can configure general settings here, such as choosing a prefix for your affiliate links, setting up link categories, and enabling link cloaking (if you want to cloak your affiliate links).
  3. Add Affiliate Links:

    • To add a new affiliate link, go to "ThirstyAffiliates" > "New Affiliate Link."
    • Enter the target URL (your affiliate link) and a link title (this is for your reference).
    • Choose a link category if you've set up categories in the settings.
    • Click "Save Link."
  4. Enable Click Tracking:

    • By default, ThirstyAffiliates tracks clicks on your affiliate links.
    • You can view click data by going to "ThirstyAffiliates" > "All Affiliate Links" and clicking on the link you want to track.
    • On the link's edit page, you can see the "Link Stats" section, which displays the number of clicks.
  5. View Click Reports:

    • To view click reports for all your affiliate links, go to "ThirstyAffiliates" > "Reports."
    • Here, you can see detailed statistics about your affiliate link clicks, including clicks over time and the source of the clicks.
  6. Customize Link Appearance (Optional):

    • ThirstyAffiliates allows you to customize the appearance of your affiliate links. You can choose a redirect type (e.g., 301 or 307), enable nofollow attributes, and more.
    • These settings can be adjusted when you create or edit an affiliate link.
  7. Insert Affiliate Links in Content:

    • When creating or editing content (e.g., blog posts or pages), you can easily insert your affiliate links using the ThirstyAffiliates button in the WordPress editor.
    • Click the "TA" icon in the editor to select and insert your affiliate link.
  8. Track Clicks and Optimize:

    • Regularly review your click tracking reports to assess the performance of your affiliate links.
    • Use this data to optimize your content and marketing efforts, focusing on the most effective affiliate partnerships.

That's how you can set up click tracking with ThirstyAffiliates in WordPress. This will help you monitor the performance of your affiliate links and make data-driven decisions to improve your affiliate marketing strategy.

Internet Marketing 101: How To Get Testimonials

Getting testimonials is a crucial part of internet marketing because they help build trust and credibility with your audience. Positive testimonials from satisfied customers can influence potential buyers and boost your conversion rates. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get testimonials for your internet marketing efforts:


1. Don’t Use Fake Testimonials

I’ve seen people around the web encouraging you to create fake testimonials while you don’t have any. I don’t agree with this approach. First and foremost for the ethical aspect. Second because often it will be possible to identify your fake testimonials, and the result could backfire.

2. Ask Beta Testers

On the sub-title of your testimonial section you could say something like “Check what some people who already used our product had to say about it…”. Notice the “used” instead of “bought”. In other words, this means you could invite beta testers to try your product for free and ask them for a testimonial, and since you are not claiming the testimonials are only from people who actually bought your product it would be fine. If you want to be 100% transparent you could even mention that the testimonial is coming from a beta tester.

3. Explicitly Ask Users

Rarely customers will come to you with an spontaneous testimonial. In other words, you need to explicitly ask them if you want some. You could email them 30 days after the purchase, for instance, or include a paragraph on the page where they will be redirected after the purchase.

4. Give Them an Incentive

Writing a testimonial takes a bit of time, and most people are lazy. If you give them a small incentive, therefore, the number of testimonials you’ll get could skyrocket. The incentive could be an ebook or a mention on the blog of your company, for instance. Just make it clear that the incentive is a “thank you” gesture for the time the client will take to write and send the testimonial, and not a bribe to get him to write only positive things about your product.

press relese of digital marketer


[ Company Name . digital marketers]

Contact: [ahmed]

 [Your title .digital marketing]

 [Email Address]

 [Phone Number 03257806608]

 [Date 12  sep 2023]

[Your Company Name digital marketers] Unveils Exciting New Digital Marketing Campaign to Drive Business Growth

[City, Sialkot

 State pakistan]

 - [digital marketers], a leading digital marketing agency known for its innovative strategies, is thrilled to announce the launch of its latest digital marketing campaign. Designed to empower businesses to excel in the online landscape, this campaign promises to deliver exceptional results.

In an era where digital presence , [Your Company Name] remains committed to equipping businesses with the tools and strategies they need to succeed in the digital realm. The new campaign will offer a comprehensive suite of services aimed at enhancing online visibility, engagement, and conversions.

Key Features of the Campaign:

1.        Strategic Content Marketing: [Your Company Name] will craft customized content strategies that resonate with target audiences, boost SEO rankings, and drive organic traffic, thereby strengthening brand recognition.

2.      Social Media Mastery: Harnessing the potential of social media, [Your Company Name] will create and execute tailored social media campaigns, enabling brands to effectively engage their customers on the platforms that matter most.

3.         Social Media Mastery: Leveraging advanced analytics and data-driven decision-making, [Your Company Name] will provide businesses with valuable insights to fine-tune their marketing strategies and achieve optimal results.

4.      Cutting-Edge SEO: By staying at the forefront of SEO techniques and algorithms, [Your Company Name] will elevate clients' online visibility and search engine rankings, resulting in increased organic traffic and leads.

5.      Conversion Optimization: [Your Company Name] will collaborate closely with businesses to optimize their websites and landing pages, ensuring a seamless user experience that converts visitors into loyal customers.

6.      Email Marketing Excellence: The campaign will include engaging email marketing strategies that nurture leads, retain customers, and drive conversions effectively.

[Your Company Name] is dedicated to helping businesses unleash their full potential in the digital landscape. "[Your Company Name]'s mission is to empower brands to thrive in the dynamic digital world," says [Your Name], [Your Title] at [Your Company Name]. "With our latest digital marketing campaign, we aim to propel businesses toward success by leveraging the most advanced strategies and technologies."

To learn more about [Your Company Name] and how this campaign can revolutionize your digital marketing efforts, visit [Your Website URL].

About [Your Company Name]: [Your Company Name] is a leading digital marketing agency celebrated for its expertise in delivering innovative marketing solutions to businesses of all sizes. With a team of dedicated professionals, we assist clients in staying ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:


[Your Title digital  marketing]

 [Email Address]

 [Phone Number03257806608]

 [Your Company Digital marketer

Website URL]

[Social Media Links]

 [Image Caption: Your Company Name - Pioneering Digital Marketing Excellence]

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infographic submission


In the digital age, information overload is a common challenge. To stand out and effectively convey complex data or ideas, businesses and content creators turn to infographics. These visually appealing graphics combine text and images to simplify information and make it more engaging. In this blog post, we will explore the world of infographic submission, what it entails, and the best free infographic submission sites to amplify your message.

infographic submission

What is Infographic Submission?

Infographic submission is a strategic process of sharing your carefully designed infographics on various online platforms and websites. The goal is to reach a wider audience, boost your brand's visibility, and drive traffic to your website. Infographics have become a popular form of content marketing due to their ability to present information in a digestible and visually appealing format.

Why Infographic Submission Matters

1.     Visual Appeal: Infographics are visually attractive and capture the audience's attention quickly, increasing engagement.

2.     Simplifies Complex Information: Infographics break down complex data or concepts into easily understandable visual elements, making them more accessible to a broader audience.

3.     Enhanced Shareability: Infographics are highly shareable on social media platforms and websites, extending their reach organically.

4.     SEO Benefits: Backlinks generated from infographic submissions can improve your website's search engine ranking.

5.     Brand Authority: Consistent and high-quality infographic submissions can establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

Best Free Infographic Submission Sites

To maximize the reach and impact of your infographics, consider submitting them to these top infographic submission sites:

1. A popular platform for infographic creators and enthusiasts, allows you to showcase your work and connect with a community of like-minded individuals.

2.     Reddit: Reddit has several subreddits dedicated to infographics, such as r/infographics and r/dataisbeautiful. Sharing your infographics here can lead to extensive visibility and discussions.

3.     Pinterest: Pinterest is a visual discovery platform that thrives on infographics. Create a dedicated board for your infographics and optimize them for search to attract a larger audience.

4.     SlideShare: While originally designed for presentations, SlideShare is also an excellent platform for sharing infographics. It has a large user base and can help your infographics reach a broader audience.

5.     SubmitInfographics As the name suggests, this website is specifically designed  :for infographic submissions. It offers an easy and efficient way to share your infographics with a broader online community.

6.     Infographics Archive: A dedicated platform for infographics, this site provides a place to share your work and discover infographics created by others.

Tips for Successful Infographic Submission

To make the most of infographic submission, keep these tips in mind:

1.     Optimize for SEO: Include relevant keywords in your infographic's title, description, and alt text to enhance its discoverability.

2.     Share on Social Media: Promote your infographic on your social media channels to maximize its reach and engagement.

3.     Quality Matters: Ensure that your infographic is well-designed, visually appealing, and contains accurate information.

4.     Include Share Buttons: Make it easy for viewers to share your infographic by including social share buttons on your website or submission page.

5.     Engage with Comments: Respond to comments and engage with your audience on platforms like Reddit to build a community around your infographics.

infographic submission

In conclusion, infographic submission is a powerful strategy for sharing your message, simplifying complex data, and enhancing your brand's online presence. By utilizing the best free infographic submission sites and following best practices, you can effectively leverage the visual storytelling capabilities of infographics to engage your audience and achieve your marketing goals.

ThirstyAffiliates Click Tracking

  ThirstyAffiliates is a popular WordPress plugin that helps you manage and cloak affiliate links on your website. If you want to set up cli...